Norconex now offers predefined support packages. Norconex has always offered enterprise search support to its customers. Over time, a few support patterns have naturally emerged and we have grouped common support requirements in an easy-to-read format, at predefined prices. We hope this will help our customers better understand the support options available to them.
Whether you need a team of experts to answer your occasional questions, you need someone hands-on quickly to resolve a search issue, or whether you need your entire enterprise search solution maintained by qualified professionals, we offer something for you.
All of our support customers automatically get access to our great Zendesk-based ticket system, in addition to being given privileged access to our enterprise search support forum, where customers can exchange tips and tricks, seek community advice, etc.
These support packages are represented in the new Support section of our site.
We invite you to have a look. Please contact us for a quote or with any questions you might have, or simply to leave your feedback.
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